Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ocean and knit shop visit

I spent last weekend with a trio of co-workers on the Long Beach Peninsula in Washington state where one of my coworkers owns a home and was kind enough to invite us all. It was a lovely weekend. By lovely I mean good company, good food and good laughs, NOT lovely weather. The weather was quite bad. I did a little knitting on the sock and started and restarted and restarted a lace scarf. Obviously, the amount of talking we did was not conducive to working on a complex pattern which I had not yet memorized.

I also visited a very darling yarn shop in Ocean Park called Tapestry Rose ( which had a nice looking cafe in the front room and a surprisingly large yarn store in the back. It was somewhat crowded (both in number of people in the store and inventory) so I didn't linger for too long. It seemed to have a wide variety of yarns including the largest box of qiviut I have ever seen in one place. I didn't even look at the price. I was good in the extreme and only bought tapestry needles to use to put a safety line into my lace scarf. I discovered when I attempted to do this that the scarf already had yet another fatal flaw. If something's worth doing once, is it really worth doing twenty times? I shall return to knit lace another, quieter day.

Below is the sock, nearly complete, at the Pacific Ocean. The weather was beginning to break as we were leaving (and I took this shot). The large bumps you see in the background are vehicles, hence the tire tracks in the sand in the foreground. In Washington State, in many places, it is legal to drive on the beach. I don't know how common this is but I've always found it a bit strange and disconcerting even though I have lived here most of my life and it should be the accepted norm of beach behavior in my mind.

I have quite a bad case of SSS at this point but do plan to cast on for the second sock this weekend when I am traveling to Spokane Washington for a class. I will get the second sock done, I will get the second sock done, I will get...

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